Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas Packaging!

Christmas has snuck up on me!   I have finally got the my soap packaged and ready for gift giving!  I made over a hundred bars this year to give away.  I took trays of it to work and you would be amazed at how people go crazy over a free bar of "fancy" soap!  The kids have made gift bags for each of their teachers and we have got a bag or two ready for neighbors and friendsthat we see over the Holidays.  The soaps have did pretty well at the Carousel Horse the past few weeks, which is good since that is how I am funding the "great soap giveaways"!  I love this hobby and I hope everyone enjoys their soaps this year!
Christmas Decorated Soaps


Little Miss Gingerbread Girl --Look at that Oatmeal!!

The kids had fun selecting bars for each of their teachers

These are my favorite.  Milk and Honey scented Oatmeal soap made with goat milk